Gateau Aztec

Gateau Aztec:

I made up this recipe before chocolate with chilies became popular and available in every shop. I was inspired while reading a book about Aztecs when I learned that Aztecs, who were the first people that used chocolate (xocolati), drank it together with hot chili.


Beat 8 egg yolks with 150 g sugar and 1 packet of vanilla sugar. Add 100 g powder chocolate, 100 g bread crumbs and 100 g hazelnuts or walnuts. Beat 8 egg whites to make them stiff and mix this slowly and carefully into yolk mixture.Mix well, but carefully and bake for about 45 minutes at 180 oC. Cool the pastry for several hours. When it is completely cooled, cut it once through and moist it with Cointreau or Grand Marinier.  Spread thickly orange marmalade on one half and place the other half on the top. Make chocolate coverture (melt good quality dark chocolate in a double boiler, add some vegetable fat (I usually use coconutfat)) with some ground hot chili (put as much chili as you like) and cover the cake with this coverture. Let it cool overnight and serve it the next day with some whipped cream.


(Skupno 17 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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