
Jordan, one of the most peaceful countries in the turbulent middle east has a lot to offer to the traveller. World known heritage Petra, biblical places, beautiful diving in Red sea, picturesque desert of Wadi Rum (I wished I had my climbing gear with me), excellent food and very kind people. Absolutely excellent for travelling with children, as people of Jordan love kids. We never left a restaurant or a shop without kids getting a small present. But they are not only kind to the children, adults are also often invited to join them at drinking their regular drink, beduin tea, hot black tea with lots of sugar. You have to get used on it if you do not like your regular tea very sweet, but it is surprisingly refreshing in the hot desert sun. Spiced with kindness of Jordan people, every such tea remain in your memory for a long time.

(Skupno 65 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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