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sl 1 (4)Knowledge that is not shared is like a fountain, lost in the middle of the desert; it is full of cool, wonderful water, but it is no use for anyone (G.M.)

Primarily, I am a scientist, professor of physiology at Veterinary school at University of Ljubljana and at Medical school at University of Maribor, working in the field of molecular neuroendocrinology. I am also a co-founder of Slovenian biotechnology company Animacel, one of the first companies in the world offering stem cell treatments of domestic animals.

Beside that I have many other interests, even though I love my work and I would say I am a wholehearted scientist.

I like all kind of outdoor activities such as rock climbing, mountaineering, mountain-biking, skiing, especially mountaineering skiing, kayaking and scuba-diving. I love to travel and have visited over 50 countries.  You can find more about my travels with some pictures through the link on the left.  I am also keen cook, and my friends and relatives say not just keen, but also very good. Through a cooking link on the left you can find some photographs of my cooking experiments, as well as few recipes, some for traditional Slovenian dishes and some recipes I made up by myself.

I also love to write.  I am often writing popular science articles for several Slovenian newspapers and magazines, and I also often participate in discussion about science on Slovenian national radio or television. I am very interested in history, in particular in the history of medicine, and I combined the passion for writing and interest in history of medicine to write two books.  First one, Secrete of life, was published only in Slovenian and is partially fiction, partially popular science text.  My second book, Gabriel’s passion, is purely fictional novel, a historical novel happening at the beginning of the 16. century.  The book received very good reviews when it was first published in 2006 in Slovenia, some critics compared it to Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose.  I translated this book into English by myself and published it on create space, so it is now available at Amazon.com.  You can find more about my books if you follow the link “books” on the right.

Finally, I come from a small country of which most of you probably never heard, or you are confusing it with Slovakia.  Slovenia really is a tiny country, but as they say small is beautiful, it is also very nice country to live in, especially if you like outdoor activities as I do.  From the capitol Ljubljana where I live, I need only 30 minutes to the mountains and closest ski slope, and only 1 hour to the Mediterranean sea.  I will put some links and pictures of my country on this web pages in the near future.

I hope you found this pages interesting, if you would like to know anything else about me, just drop me a note at gregor.majdic1(at)guest.arnes.si

Please visit my page again as I will be adding new stuff in the future.

Thanks for your visit! Gregor Majdic

(Skupno 1.743 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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