Risotto with shark and coconut

Risotto with shark and coconut:

Recently, I had a small piece of shark leftover in the fridge and I came up with this idea that came out very tasty.


Fry onion and garlic on olive oil.  Add some garammasala (Indian spice mix, don’t add too much so it won’t mask other flavors) and mix until spices are fragrant. Add pieces of shark and one table spoon of creamed coconut. Fry for few minutes and add jasmine rice.  Mix until rice become translucent, then add mixture of water and coconut milk. Simmer until rice is cooked (about 15 minutes). Just before serving add juice of half lemon and one teaspoon of soy sauce and mix. If desired, you can add just before the end fresh sliced pineapple.

(Skupno 34 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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